Report: National Summit on Islamophobia
On July 22, 2021, the Government of Canada held the first ever National Summit on Islamophobia. The ongoing racism and discrimination of Muslims in Canada has been exacerbated by the lack of accountability by not only each level of government but by all of the systems in place. Until there are policy changes to address the very real threat of Islamophobia, and unless further societal norms across the country are advanced to truly reflect an inclusive and hate-free society, these acts of Islamophobia will continue. The purpose of these policy recommendations is to ensure that the Muslim Advisory Council of Canada executes its capacity to provide advice and guidance to all levels of government in Canada to chart the path forward to safety, protection and well-being of the Canadian Muslim community. We request that our insights not only be considered, but actively discussed and implemented. All of the recommendations have been thoroughly researched, deliberated, and are pertinent to the stakeholders involved. The call to actions proposed in this report serve the sole purpose of guaranteeing the safety of the Canadian Muslim population, along with long term concerning Islamophobia in Canada.